I think we all know that fruit is good for us but here are some facts about fruit that you may or may not know. First let me say that eating as much organic or locally grown fruit as possible is important. Something you might find interesting: is a study that was done once on 2 groups of women 1 group ate lots of fruit but it wasn't organic and the other ate the same amount of fruit that was organic. Both groups saw an overall improvement especially in their skin, and digestion but the study was looking at the ability for fruit to help to cleanse toxins from the body and especially the liver. Where the first group saw good improvements as mentioned, it was noticed that their liver was actually working overtime showing very high liver enzymes in their blood. The other group that ate organic fruit did not have this same liver reaction in fact they all saw improvement in liver function and overall toxin removal from the blood and bowels. A very good reason to eat more organic produce.
Fruit Facts:
1. It is not usually suggested that people with arthrietis consume alot of oranges or orange juice. It is thought that they will cause inflamation and pain. Well, that is true of most of the oranges you find in a grocery store. The reason is that they are picked Green before the citric acid has had time to convert to fructose sugar, therefore it has very little vitamin C. Also oranges are generally sprayed with red dye and waxed to look fresher and also sprayed with fungicides. Its the high amount of acid that causes the joint pain. It is possible to eat oranges and not experience these bad side effects. You must make sure to eat only oranges that have been rippened on the tree. They are available you just have to look for them you might also stick to organic oranges which have generally been rippend on the tree and are not sprayed with pesticides.
2. Blueberries are known to be full of antioxidants. But they are also excellent brain food, here's why: (Briefly) As we age the stress chemical Cortisol (sometimes called the death hormone) increases and has several negative effects on us. It causes many of the symptoms of menopause, (memory loss, attention span & focus issues, mood swings and impulse control issues, lack of energy and inability to coordinate multiple tasks)
It also causes a drop in dopamine, the pleasure and mobility hormone which also effects our metabolism. This can lead to rapid and unhealthy aging.
Research by Dr. Joseph's at Tufts University has shown that blueberries can increase the manufacture and release of dopamine into our system. Although more research needs to be done it is interesting to find that the popular drug used for Alzheimer's patients has a similar makeup. How cool it would be if eatting just a 1/2 cup of little blueberries a day could help keep the cortisol at bay! :)
3. Did you know that Kiwi have 6 times the vitamin C of oranges and also contain vitamin E.
4. Melons are ususally just enjoyed because they are so good and sweet but they are also full of zinc, vitamin's A, C and potassium which gives you energy.
Hope you enjoyed these few fruit facts. Next time I will talk about vegetables. Alot of this information comes from a book I love to read and re-read by Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD "Food as Medicine"
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