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Saturday, May 1, 2010

Good and Bad Carbohydrates

Many of you do not understand the difference between Good and Bad Carbs so I would like to explain the difference for you.

Complex carbs like raw vegetables and fruit are part of the good group of carbs. Also in this group are whole grains like whole wheat, bulger, kamut, spelt and brown and wild rices. This group does not include white flours, white rice, or flours made with so called white whole wheat. It does not include white pastas in fact pasta in general is a simple carb also called processed carbs or refined carbs meaning that it has been processed and these types of carbs are void of nutrition they are also lacking in fiber and fail to slow sugar absorption, causing wide swings in glucose levels. Even when a label says that the product has been enriched with nutrients it does not mean it is a good thing. Generally when a food has been enriched it means that first it has had all of its nutrients removed then because the government actually governs some things they demand that some of the nutrients be put back. So they put a small portion of them back but it’s never the same and the small amount that is replaced is nothing compared to what was removed.

There are pastas available today that are made with whole grains like wheat and garbanzo bean flour. Dream Fields pasta is made with semolina but somehow is able to keep their effective carbs down to an acceptable level. I think it is the addition of a non-soluble fiber that allows for this. Either way if you are watching your carbs for any reason pasta is not your friend, so eat it sparingly.

Beans or legumes are very nutritious and inexpensive they are a low fat source of fiber and protein. They are in the good carbohydrate category and are loaded with phytonutrients, folic acid and iron.

I think you all know that white sugar is an evil and of course a bad or simple carb. There are alternatives to table sugar. These include agave nectar, xylitol, erythritol, honey, and crystaline fructose. I write about all of these in my book in further detail but basically they do not effect the blood glucose levels in the same way that sugar does not causing the same highs and lows. This makes them a better choice.

In general we should all avoid eating too many processed carbohydrates or simple carbs. We should eat a wide variety of complex carbs in all colors from all the groups: fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains.

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