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Friday, July 30, 2010

Hospital Food

Who are the nutritionist that develop the menus for hospital food? I cannot believe what they serve to the patients and I really can't believe they call some of it food! 

My husband is in the hospital right now, something he has to do every 2-3 years or so. He is a heart patient and a borderline diabetic. He is also disabled due to a severe back injury and permanent nerve damage. I have kept his diabeties under control with diet and he eats a heart healthy diet at home. At the hospital last night they tried to feed him a dinner of bbq pork, mashed potatoes and corn.....when he asked the nurse if this was the correct plate for him she responded "yes sir this is a heart healthy meal, they do this scientificly sir". He refused to eat it telling her that his wife would kill him if he did and opted for a tuna sandwich which the nurse produced from the nurses refrigerator.  I was proud of him but also appauld at the hospital! How dare they give greasy pork to a heart patient and 2 starchy carbs to a diabetic whats wrong with this picture?
I really wish they would let me create a truely healthy menu, the patients would love it and they would not be getting food that could actually kill them!

Eco Village

You know how you have a dream that just seems to get further and further away so much so that you start to get scared that you will never acheive it. Well thats how I have been feeling lately about my husbands and my dream of becoming part of or starting our own eco-village. I puruse those eco village websites hoping to find just the right place for us to retire. Only to find that the expense of joining such a place is so high that I cannot ever see us affording it. I really only want to have a piece of land that is big enough to provide space for about 4-5 familys and allow for farming area to feed all of us. I want to create a community spirit that encourages love for one another as well as respect for each others personal space. With communal spaces and private dwellings. I am hoping that with enough involvement we can all share in the work as well as expences so that we can all benefit sharing in the bounty as well. I guess the best thing to do is to keep my focus on acheiving the dream and not let myself worry about it happening instead I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN ONE WAY OR ANOTHER!